Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Redwing Blackbirds

I have finally gotten started walking this summer and for diversion I take my camera along with me. Every route I take Redwing Blackbirds are busy protecting their territory. My goal is to get what I consider a classic shot - something like "perched on a cattail stem." After the last several evenings, my goal is to get a photo of one sitting - anywhere. One bombarded my head the other night - I could feel his breath - or more likely the flap of his wings. They certainly are audacious, but I love 'em.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Glechoma hederacea II

This spring I've changed my mind and decided not to have such a critical opinion of the ground ivy (aforementioned Glechoma hederacea) - the bees love it so.


Since spring has sprung most of my free time has been spent trying to garden. Right now the garden consists primarily of (fairly straight) rows of rusted Hi-C cans sheltering the little seedlings I started in March and an abundance of little shoots of grass coming up in between the rows - which haven't yet been weeded because of all the rain. Having recently read about the downfall of civilization due to the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, I'm thinking that might explain why I kind of enjoy the "adventures in gardening" I experience due to the weeds taking over the garden - it returns me to "forager" mode.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One Bad Apple

I was working on a crossword puzzle and had entered an incorrect word. I was having a difficult time coming up with answers that would work in the surrounding boxes. It occurred to me that in the "bigger picture", if I am convinced of a thought or belief and if that thought or belief is inappropriate or not working for me, I am limiting the possibilities that might be helpful to me. Not that I have a lifelong habit of beating a dead horse or anything... Hand me an eraser, please.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Augusta Carrots

I did not know carrots could be so delicious. I like carrots, and I've had tasty carrots before, but never like this. We went to Augusta for dinner last night. They were out of the stewed greens, and since I was going for the warm bread, I decided a vegetable would be a good choice. I opted for the carrots. They came on a little side plate. It was a real carrot - not one of those rolled and tumbled baby carrots. The first bite was incredible - cooked but still crisp - a buttery and flavorful mouthful. The best carrots I have ever tasted. The creamed corn was pretty darn tasty, too and well as our entrees. But the carrots - who knew?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bull Robin

Easter Sunday I spent the day in the garden. It is one of the activities that helps me to get into a Zen mode and stay focused on one activity at a time. It also made me think about how each type of plant has certain requirements to thrive, and so do people, and myself, I need to see the ocean soon. As I was gardening, I had the pleasure of the companionship of this robin, getting plumper by the minute as he gobbled up worms and grubs.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Glechoma hederacea

I am very grateful it is cloudy and a bit rainy today. I am thrilled to be able to get started on the yard work so early this Spring, but my body is still working into outdoor mode after lots of couch sitting and reading this winter. Oh, the discovery of those muscles being triggered by the weeding experience. The lawn has an abundance of Ground Ivy. What survival skills that plant has. It is the greenest plant in the yard - it must spread its runners under the snow cover. I remembered reading it was an herb - I think its "quality" must be persistence.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Last of the Mohicans

I was in the doctor's office and there was a 90-something-year-old man in the waiting room. He reminded me of my dad - soft spoken, but friendly - talking to another fellow about tractors, I think. But it was the manner in which he spoke that made me very nostalgic for my childhood when the adults around me were rather genteel in their manner. I loved their stories. I recall my dad on his 83rd birthday saying, "Eighty years ago we were moving from Kansas in a covered wagon." Both my parents would comment on how much things had changed in my lifetime, and I thought my lifetime!? My dad would have be 101 this month if he were still alive. He died in 1999.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cotter Pin

Years ago I used to do a lot of work with my dreams and I decided that it was time to try that again. Especially since I have been dreaming a lot, although I haven't made a point in remembering them. The other night the only thing I remembered was a pin in a wheel - lynch pin, key pin - so I Googled images and there was the cotter pin or cotter key which made me think of Leo Kottke who I hadn't thought of for years. We used to listen to him when I worked at Dugan's Deli. And there was a great video on YouTube from the 70s.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Another Birthday

My birthday present to myself this year is to quit procrastinating. I'll start tomorrow. Ha.